Thursday, November 12, 2009

The holidays are upon us. Halloween was a fun holiday, we have had an adult party for the past four years and have had a great time. This year was dress up as a famous couple, so Jerott and I went as Gomez and Morticia Addams, there were some awesome costumes. The kids went trick or treating at Jerott's brother's neighborhood and got way too much candy. But it is all gone now and I am happy.

Kids are doing well in school and are all healthy at this point.

I love it when kids say things that make me smile, for instance; Jacob and I were talking about the scriptures and he says "Maybe I will be in the next Book of Mormon". He knows his name is in the first one and I guess he figures that earns him rank in the sequel, who knows maybe he will be a great leader someday.

We took some family pictures at Katherine Albertsons Park, this had been a tradition since 99', but we have slacked since we moved out to Kuna. In the past we had tried to get them done a little sooner that Nov, but at least the Fall colors were still around due to the Indian Summer we have had.

We finally finished our boardwalks and most of the rock area, we need to get more river rock, but it's just getting to cold to harvest them.

The project begins

finished boardwalk.

My brother, Gary, building our window well.